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SonoFields Omni Commercial License

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SonoFields Omni Commercial License


Get the SonoFields Omni License if you plan to use commercially any of the products you have bought from us.

This license covers all our products from the past, present, and future, forever.

If you’re considering purchasing a commercial license for a Sonofields product, and are not sure if it covers your use case, this page shows the relevant parts:

4. Scope of Use and Restrictions

The Licensee is granted the right to use the Product either in its original form (“as is”) or in a modified, remixed form integrated with additional creative works (“modified”). The use of the Product must adhere to the restrictions outlined in this section.

Permitted Uses:

  • In-Person Settings: The Product may be used in a physical, in-person setting, such as, but not limited to:
    • Educational Classrooms: Utilization of the Product in a classroom environment for educational purposes, such as part of a lecture, demonstration, or hands-on learning activity in schools, colleges, or universities.
    • Therapeutic Sessions: Application in therapy sessions, wellness retreats, or mindfulness workshops, where the Product is used as a tool for enhancing the therapeutic experience in settings like clinics, wellness centers, or private therapy practices.
    • Corporate Training and Workshops: Use in corporate training sessions, workshops, or team-building events, where the Product is employed as a part of the training material or as an aid in the facilitation of these events.
    • Public Speaking and Seminars: Incorporation of the Product in public speaking events, seminars, or conferences, provided these events are not broadcasted or made publicly available online.
    • Artistic Performances: Use in artistic or cultural performances, such as in theater productions, music concerts, or art installations, where the Product enhances the audience’s experience in a live, in-person setting.
  • Private Digital Settings: The Product may be used in non-public digital platforms where access is restricted to a specific audience and not accessible by the general public, such as, but not limited to:
    • Internal Corporate Use: Utilization of the Product within a company for internal training, employee wellness programs, or as part of internal presentations and meetings.
    • Educational Settings: Use in online educational courses or e-learning modules where access is limited to registered students or members of an educational institution.
    • Healthcare Applications: Incorporation of the Product in digital therapeutic sessions, patient education, or wellness programs within a healthcare facility, accessible only to patients and healthcare professionals.
    • Private Online Workshops: Use in online workshops or seminars where participation is controlled through registration or membership, ensuring that the audience is limited and defined.
    • Research Purposes: Application in research projects or experimental studies conducted by a recognized institution, where the Product is used exclusively by the research team and study participants.
    • Exclusive Digital Marketplaces: Use in creating digital products, such as meditation tracks or educational content, that are sold or distributed through exclusive marketplaces, membership sites, or platforms where access is restricted to paying customers only, and not openly accessible to the general public.

Prohibited Uses:

  • Public Mass Distribution: The Product is prohibited from being used for mass distribution on digital public platforms, including but not limited to platforms such as YouTube, social media networks, and any other online platforms where content is accessible to the general public without restriction.
  • Redistribution Restrictions: The Licensee is prohibited from redistributing, reselling, leasing, licensing, sub-licensing, or offering the Product on its own, in its original, unaltered downloaded form, without additional integration into an original context, to any third parties. This includes, but is not limited to, distribution of the Product as standalone files or making the Product available in a manner where it can be downloaded, accessed, or used as a standalone offering.
  • Reverse Engineering Prohibition: The Licensee is expressly prohibited from reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or otherwise attempting to discover the underlying audio techniques embedded in the Product.

Exceptional Use Provision:

Notwithstanding the aforementioned restrictions, there may be unique or unforeseen uses of the Product that fall outside the scope of this Agreement. In such cases, the Licensee may seek written permission from SonoFields for such uses. Requests for exceptional use must be submitted in writing to SonoFields, detailing the intended use and the context in which the Product will be utilized.

SonoFields reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to grant or deny any requests for exceptional use. Approval of such requests may be subject to additional terms and conditions, which shall be specified in the written permission granted by SonoFields. The Licensee agrees to comply with any such additional terms and conditions as a prerequisite for the exceptional use of the Product.

Failure to obtain written permission for uses of the Product that fall outside the stipulated scope of this Agreement may result in immediate termination of the License, as outlined in Section 10. "Termination," and may subject the Licensee to legal action for unauthorized use of the Product.

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A commercial license that covers all our past and future brainwave entrainment products.

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